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200 Club Draw March

The March draw of the   200 Club was made on the 23rd March by Trustee Ben Bennett and witnessed by Jade Williams and Shirley Bennett.

The official list of winners is as follows:-
1st Prize £68 – Brian Smart from Cambridgeshire
2nd Prize £35 – Lou Buckley from Gloucestershire (yay!)
3rd Prize £35 – Majid Sohrabi from Glasgow
4th Prize £14 – Susan Fines from East Sussex
5th Prize £14 – Eleanor Ivory from Wiltshire
6th Prize £14 – Alaric Pritchard from Tyne and Wear
7th Prize £14 – Chris Bull from Wiltshire
8th Prize £14 – Rachel Greenwood from West Yorkshire

Congratulations to all the winners!
If you want to join in the fun and help FSDP complete and return the Application Form below – EVERYONE WELCOME TO JOIN!



