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200 Club Draw

The June draw of the FSDP 200 Club was made on the 23rd June by Trustee Ben Bennett and witnessed by Shirley Bennett and Cara Northcott.

The official list of winners is as follows:-

1st Prize £68 – Oli Delany from Bristol
2nd Prize £35 – Bethany Colburn from Dorset
3rd Prize £35 – Matt Monaghan from Northern Ireland
4th Prize £14 – Nigel Samuels from West Sussex
5th Prize £14 – Steve Chalk from Dorset
6th Prize £14 – Jane Shelton from Cheshire
7th Prize £14 – Shaun Regan from Somerset
8th Prize £14 – Martin Stone from Staffordshire
Congratulations to all the winners!
If you want to join in the fun and help FSDP complete and return the Application Form below – EVERYONE WELCOME TO JOIN!

#FSDP #ReachForTheSky #AbilityNotDisability #DisabilityInclusion #FlyingSchools #Aviation #RIAT


