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“I was diagnosed with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) in my late 20’s. I had no idea how it would affect me and how much my mobility would be restricted and just how much of an impact it would have on my confidence. After being a very active outdoor person, losing the ability to go running regularly which was for me pure freedom affected me hugely.”

Sherrill’s condition had an impact on every part of her life, from her marriage and subsequent divorce, through to her mobility and just being able to complete everyday tasks. She says she misses the simple things in life which her condition prevents her doing, such as wearing high heels, running for the bus or just walking around whilst on the phone. Prior to flight training, Sherrill said she felt that flying would give her the ability to travel without struggling to use her legs.

Her scholarship gave her that and so much more; giving her the capacity to have fun once again, as well as the confidence to face the future and whatever life throws at her, knowing the support that will be there from her new found FSDP friends. Sherrill is always around to support this Charity; with her happy smile and laughter, she is so different from the woman who applied for a scholarship three years ago.






“I definitely lost a piece of me but gained a new sense of achievement through learning to fly. It enabled me to hold my head high be proud of myself and know I can do something others can’t. And not just something small; I can fly an aeroplane. Who’d ever thought it?”

To learn to fly like me apply here